
Audi 100 Avant Duo

Hybrid tech is nothing new, with this plug-in prototype dating back to 1989

Callaway C12

If a standard Corvette was a bit weak, Reeves Callaway was happy to turn things up to 11

Bertone Emotion

Supposedly featuring Lotus power, the Emotion was a non-runner that looked sensational


This electric commuter car could have been a hit, but it arrived 25 years too early

Pontiac Aztek

Pontiac took a gamble, hoping that buyers wanted something different. They did – but not this

Volvo ECC

The Volvo ECC's tech was a blind alley, but its styling gave a taste of what was to come

Citroen C6 Lignage

The Citroen C6 Lignage looked just as radical as the production car that it led to

Volkswagen W12

Capable of more than 200mph, the W12 would have made quite a supercar

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